
Sustainable Shopping and Consuming Statistics: The Environmental Impact of Consumption

Sustainable consumption and production have gained increasing attention as a way to reduce the environmental impact of human activity and support a more sustainable future. From resource extraction to transportation and disposal, the way we shop and consume has a significant impact on natural resources and contributes to climate change. Here are some key statistics to consider when thinking about the sustainability of your shopping and consuming habits.

Carbon Footprint

The production and transportation of products have a carbon footprint, which refers to the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere as a result of these activities. According to the CE Delft, consumption of stuff has the largest environmental impact for an average Dutch consumer.

The carbon footprint of different products and industries can vary significantly. For example, the production of electronics and appliances has a higher carbon footprint than the production of clothing and textiles. In addition, products that are shipped long distances or produced using energy-intensive processes have a larger carbon footprint than those that are produced locally or using more sustainable methods.

Circular Consumption Systems

One way to reduce the environmental impact of consumption is through the adoption of circular consumption systems. These systems aim to keep products in use for longer periods of time and reduce waste through initiatives like repair, reuse, and recycling.

There are several ways to support circular consumption systems and make more sustainable shopping and consuming choices. Some options include:

  • Buy high-quality, long-lasting products: Invest in well-made products that will last for a long time, rather than cheap, disposable items that are likely to break or fall apart quickly.
  • Repair and care for products: Maintain your products by repairing them when they break, washing and drying properly, and storing items in a way that prevents damage.
  • Donate or sell gently used products: Instead of throwing products away, consider donating them to thrift stores or selling them online. This can extend the life of the products and reduce waste.
  • Shop secondhand or vintage: Buying used products can be a more sustainable option, as it keeps products in use and reduces the demand for new production.
  • If you shop online, use TreeClicks. This is an app that plants trees for free when shopping online at one of the more than 30,000+ connected shops.

By considering the environmental impact of your shopping and consuming habits and supporting circular consumption systems, you can help to reduce the environmental impact of consumption and make a positive impact on the planet.

Source: Hidden Impact Book, CE Delft. Also check out the sustainability statistics and vegan statistics.